BLINDSIDE is a comedy that will open your eyes to resilience, empathy and self-acceptance.

In this captivating piece of bravery, Stéphanie Morin-Robert, who lost an eye in her battle against cancer, tells us about her life when she was only 7 years old: a fiery little girl wielding her glass eye like a weapon. With the help of her cat, a pair of sunglasses, and an untimely superpower, she quickly discovers that she is able to face the bullies who torment her at her new school and to accept her handicap.

This powerful show combines humor, narration, puppet play, audiovisual work and interaction with the public.

There will be a Q/A session after the show.

In partnership with Les Tréteaux de Kingston.

–Event details :
Date : 14 october 2023
Time : 19h00.
Place : Gymnase/Carrefour scolaire communautaire. 1290 rue Wheathill, Kingston, ON.
Duration : 75 mn. + 15mn discussion
Tickets : 12$-25$.
Booking online

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